brand strategy for the hospitality industry.


picture this…

imagine a future where your reputation lives up to your ambition, and your best customers are your loudest champions.

we help you get there by developing a deep understanding of your customers and your competitive advantages, which we distill into the guiding force for how you communicate and show up in the world.

what does our process look like?



market research

we find out what your customers really think, and leverage 20 years of hospitality experience to extract actionable insights.




we define your competitive advantage to stake a claim in your customer’s mind.



messaging strategy

we articulate how you solve your customer’s problems and why they should choose you.



creative direction & experience design

we help translate the strategy into creative assets and thoughtful touchpoints that add up to a clear and consistent impression of your brand.

let’s position you to win.


kind words from happy clients & collaborators


“Brooke made it easy to convey the right message to our target audience. She had a clear insight of the business climate, and translated it for me to understand how we differ from our competitors, giving me the tools and guidance to focus where my business will best thrive.”

— Nick Sziklai | Founder, Summerwood Building

“We must be discerning in allocating resources, now more than ever; Brooke has been invaluable in translating our actions into business opportunity. Her expertise lies in identifying how we present ourselves and providing perspective on how we can improve communicating who we are. Her work has lit a clear path to what is most effective in how our company presents itself.”

— Glenn O’Hara | Co-Founder & CFO, The Ness Group

“I have worked with Brooke on a number of projects over the years. She is, in a word, “wonderful”. Her creativity, thoughtfulness, and cooperative approach to design are second only to her ability to communicate and understand her clients and their goals. Besides that, she’s just a joy to work with. Do yourself a favor. Make your life better. Hire Brooke.”

— Ryan Starr | Principal, Starr Design & Architecture